Thursday, February 10, 2011


 So fun.

Mi mamá me mima,
y yo mimo a mi mamá.

Poquito a poquito Paquito empaca poquitas copitas en pocos paquetes

Camarón, caramelo,
camarón, caramelo,
camarón, caramelo,

No me mires, que miran
que nos miramos,
y verán en tus ojos
que nos amamos.
No nos miremos,
que cuando no nos miren
nos miraremos.

xo Julie

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

cool article and something you'll judge me for.

Okay, first things first, here's the cool article. I actually got kinda emotional reading it. It's about Pedro Pan kids today:

And here's what you're going to judge me for. It's for Billy. (they're dancing to "fix you" and I couldn't help but think of it today):

it's good. i dare you to watch it and disagree.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

great song

i came across this song and fell in love with it. i hope you do too. enjoy. billy.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Really cool video on Santeria (also good footage of just walking around Cuba):

some links on Santeria and Cuba in general. funny how...messy...they seem. You wonder who the ideal audience is:

this one is just funny (but its not trying to be): 
and if you click around, can get to other info about history and religion.

A Santeria altar mixing Catholic and Yoruba iconography
a babalao priest uses shells for divination in cuba


Los Carpinteros

This is a link to Los Carpinteros website.  They are a group of artists who create new structures out of basically "found objects".  They are Cuban and they came to Skidmore because they had an exhibit in the Tang last year.  They are super cool, and although they have really nothing to do with the play, I thought I'd post anyway :)
xo Julie


I was looking into what the Villa Bahia De La Luna could look like and I came across three worn/older looking villas.

This one looks kind of Bed and Breakfasty.
I imagined the villa like this, but maybe higher off the ground.
This villa seem to be on the older side, but a a little to fancy to be the one in the play.


Orquesta Aragón

This band has been super popular and influential in Cuba since the 1950's. They seem to play a more "classic" Cuban sound, but from what I can tell their music is still really popular today! 
xo Julie